The results are calculated automatically: see below.
There are 2 versions of 1060 with different amount of memory. If you have 1060 with 3Gb memory, you are not able to mine coins that are highlighted in red.
Cryptocurrency | Cryptocurrency | Price | Nethash (3h) | Profit 24h | Block Reward | Volume (24h) | NH Rent Profit |
RavencoinRVN | Ravencoin Price 365.67 ₫ -1.63% Nethash (3h) 5.71 Th/s -14.5% Profit 24h 7 454₫ 20.39 RVN | 365.67 ₫-1.63% | 5.71 Th/s-13.24% | 7 454₫20.39 RVN | 914 171 ₫2500 RVN | 236 347 782 341 ₫ | -251 973 ₫-0.000103 BTC |
NeoxaNEOX | Neoxa Price 10.06 ₫ -2.11% Nethash (3h) 154.52 Gh/s -9.48% Profit 24h 6 577₫ 654 NEOX | 10.06 ₫-2.11% | 154.52 Gh/s-11.3% | 6 577₫654 NEOX | 22 640 ₫2250 NEOX | 649 744 363 ₫ | -251 973 ₫-0.000103 BTC |
ErgoERG | Ergo Price 29 307.33 ₫ 1.10% Nethash (3h) 11.28 Th/s -0.06% Profit 24h 5 897₫ 0.2012 ERG | 29 307.33 ₫1.10% | 11.28 Th/s-6.22% | 5 897₫0.2012 ERG | 527 532 ₫18 ERG | 3 260 691 577 ₫ | -250 414 ₫-0.000102 BTC |
NeuraiXNA | Neurai Price 9.91 ₫ -8.35% Nethash (3h) 436.42 Gh/s 1.29% Profit 24h 5 286₫ 533 XNA | 9.91 ₫-8.35% | 436.42 Gh/s2.42% | 5 286₫533 XNA | 49 565 ₫5000 XNA | 2 705 487 303 ₫ | -251 973 ₫-0.000103 BTC |
Bitcoin GoldBTG | Bitcoin Gold Price 161 683.32 ₫ -8.91% Nethash (3h) 1.11 Msol/s 18.35% Profit 24h 5 066₫ 0.03133 BTG | 161 683.32 ₫-8.91% | 1.11 Msol/s10.74% | 5 066₫0.03133 BTG | 505 260 ₫3.13 BTG | 2 482 931 016 627 ₫ | -245 369 ₫-0.000100 BTC |
BeamBEAM | Beam Price 755.34 ₫ -7.00% Nethash (3h) 172.11 Ksol/s -7.88% Profit 24h 4 736₫ 6.27 BEAM | 755.34 ₫-7.00% | 172.11 Ksol/s-16.32% | 4 736₫6.27 BEAM | 18 883 ₫25 BEAM | 1 929 526 083 ₫ | -249 371 ₫-0.000102 BTC |
Clore.aiCLORE | Price 953.33 ₫ -7.13% Nethash (3h) 1.59 Th/s 5.71% Profit 24h 4 548₫ 4.77 CLORE | 953.33 ₫-7.13% | 1.59 Th/s2.51% | 4 548₫4.77 CLORE | 160 674 ₫169 CLORE | 52 984 393 286 ₫ | -251 973 ₫-0.000103 BTC |
CortexCTXC | Cortex Price 4 531.88 ₫ -1.28% Nethash (3h) 55.10 KGps -2.95% Profit 24h 4 341₫ 0.95778 CTXC | 4 531.88 ₫-1.28% | 55.10 KGps-5.41% | 4 341₫0.95778 CTXC | 15 862 ₫3.5 CTXC | 99 405 652 761 ₫ | Not supported |
GrinGRIN32 | Grin Price 587.73 ₫ -14.12% Nethash (3h) 5.84 KGps -2.88% Profit 24h 3 891₫ 6.62 GRIN32 | 587.73 ₫-14.12% | 5.84 KGps-1.06% | 3 891₫6.62 GRIN32 | 35 264 ₫60 GRIN32 | 201 684 308 ₫ | Not supported |
AeternityAE | Aeternity Price 562.21 ₫ -10.20% Nethash (3h) 21.21 KGps -8.97% Profit 24h 3 887₫ 6.91 AE | 562.21 ₫-10.20% | 21.21 KGps-6.08% | 3 887₫6.91 AE | 24 046 ₫42.77 AE | 19 403 958 537 ₫ | -248 722 ₫-0.000102 BTC |
Ethereum PoWETHW | Ethereum PoW Price 56 135.38 ₫ 1.97% Nethash (3h) 27.74 Th/s -0.34% Profit 24h 2 169₫ 0.03864 ETHW | 56 135.38 ₫1.97% | 27.74 Th/s0.11% | 2 169₫0.03864 ETHW | 112 271 ₫2 ETHW | 270 018 276 100 ₫ | -246 558 ₫-0.000101 BTC |
Flux (ZelCash)FLUX | Flux (ZelCash) Price 10 875.59 ₫ 3.73% Nethash (3h) 3.24 Msol/s 12.98% Profit 24h 2 101₫ 0.19318 FLUX | 10 875.59 ₫3.73% | 3.24 Msol/s6.93% | 2 101₫0.19318 FLUX | 203 917 ₫18.75 FLUX | 393 330 246 604 ₫ | -244 862 ₫-0.000100 BTC |
Ethereum ClassicETC | Ethereum Classic Price 522 354.74 ₫ -1.78% Nethash (3h) 272.80 Th/s -3.11% Profit 24h 2 024₫ 0.00388 ETC | 522 354.74 ₫-1.78% | 272.80 Th/s-5.19% | 2 024₫0.00388 ETC | 1 069 783 ₫2.05 ETC | 4 219 624 762 301 ₫ | -246 491 ₫-0.000101 BTC |
NexaNEXA | Nexa Price 0.030261 ₫ -2.43% Nethash (3h) 5.20 Th/s -1.06% Profit 24h 1 554₫ 51352 NEXA | 0.030261 ₫-2.43% | 5.20 Th/s-4.42% | 1 554₫51352 NEXA | 302 615 ₫10000000 NEXA | 2 541 432 239 ₫ | -246 297 ₫-0.000101 BTC |
ZephyrZEPH | Zephyr Price 14 783.89 ₫ -8.71% Nethash (3h) 194.39 Mh/s -3.65% Profit 24h 120₫ 0.00809 ZEPH | 14 783.89 ₫-8.71% | 194.39 Mh/s2.85% | 120₫0.00809 ZEPH | 107 331 ₫7.26 ZEPH | 4 218 240 007 ₫ | -245 012 ₫-0.000100 BTC |
HorizenZEN | Horizen Price 309 563.14 ₫ 0.20% Nethash (3h) 2.09 Gsol/s -11.84% Profit 24h 38₫ 0.00012 ZEN | 309 563.14 ₫0.20% | 2.09 Gsol/s-9.81% | 38₫0.00012 ZEN | 580 431 ₫1.88 ZEN | 1 580 996 562 196 ₫ | -244 895 ₫-0.000100 BTC |
ZcashZEC | Zcash Price 796 107.64 ₫ -7.71% Nethash (3h) 7.82 Gsol/s 6.11% Profit 24h 31₫ 0.00004 ZEC | 796 107.64 ₫-7.71% | 7.82 Gsol/s-2.81% | 31₫0.00004 ZEC | 995 135 ₫1.25 ZEC | 1 907 544 032 815 ₫ | -244 895 ₫-0.000100 BTC |
KaspaKAS | Kaspa Price 2 343.59 ₫ -8.23% Nethash (3h) 1.39 Eh/s -0.26% Profit 24h 6₫ 0.00243 KAS | 2 343.59 ₫-8.23% | 1.39 Eh/s1.07% | 6₫0.00243 KAS | 153 271 ₫65.4 KAS | 2 377 545 850 866 ₫ | -244 864 ₫-0.000100 BTC |
NervosCKB | Nervos Price 157.08 ₫ -4.44% Nethash (3h) 381.89 Ph/s -18.23% Profit 24h 2₫ 0.01447 CKB | 157.08 ₫-4.44% | 381.89 Ph/s-5.09% | 2₫0.01447 CKB | 88 315 ₫562 CKB | 383 886 242 496 ₫ | -244 860 ₫-0.000100 BTC |