Los resultados se calculan automáticamente: consulte a continuación.
There are 2 versions of 1060 with different amount of memory. If you have 1060 with 3Gb memory, you are not able to mine coins that are highlighted in red.
Criptomoneda | Criptomoneda | Precio | Hash de red (3h) | Beneficio 24h | Premio Bloque | Volumen (24h) | Benef. Alq. NH |
RavencoinRVN | Ravencoin Precio 363.54 ₫ -1.51% Hash de red (3h) 5.62 Th/s -6.77% Beneficio 24h 6 765₫ 18.61 RVN | 363.54 ₫-1.51% | 5.62 Th/s-14.97% | 6 765₫18.61 RVN | 908 855 ₫2500 RVN | 236 123 932 032 ₫ | -251 549 ₫-0.000103 BTC |
NeoxaNEOX | Neoxa Precio 9.78 ₫ -8.71% Hash de red (3h) 167.87 Gh/s -6.05% Beneficio 24h 6 131₫ 627 NEOX | 9.78 ₫-8.71% | 167.87 Gh/s-3.96% | 6 131₫627 NEOX | 22 004 ₫2250 NEOX | 664 564 205 ₫ | -251 549 ₫-0.000103 BTC |
ErgoERG | Ergo Precio 28 828.79 ₫ -0.88% Hash de red (3h) 11.39 Th/s 0.05% Beneficio 24h 5 800₫ 0.2012 ERG | 28 828.79 ₫-0.88% | 11.39 Th/s-5.07% | 5 800₫0.2012 ERG | 518 918 ₫18 ERG | 3 115 933 278 ₫ | -250 171 ₫-0.000102 BTC |
Bitcoin GoldBTG | Bitcoin Gold Precio 165 707.47 ₫ -3.43% Hash de red (3h) 1.09 Msol/s 8.94% Beneficio 24h 5 652₫ 0.03411 BTG | 165 707.47 ₫-3.43% | 1.09 Msol/s9.74% | 5 652₫0.03411 BTG | 517 836 ₫3.13 BTG | 2 559 636 410 509 ₫ | -245 262 ₫-0.000100 BTC |
NeuraiXNA | Neurai Precio 9.75 ₫ -10.23% Hash de red (3h) 471.88 Gh/s 10.97% Beneficio 24h 4 735₫ 486 XNA | 9.75 ₫-10.23% | 471.88 Gh/s10.58% | 4 735₫486 XNA | 48 745 ₫5000 XNA | 2 620 960 724 ₫ | -251 549 ₫-0.000103 BTC |
BeamBEAM | Beam Precio 772.38 ₫ -4.75% Hash de red (3h) 186.13 Ksol/s -4.8% Beneficio 24h 4 681₫ 6.06 BEAM | 772.38 ₫-4.75% | 186.13 Ksol/s-9.42% | 4 681₫6.06 BEAM | 19 310 ₫25 BEAM | 1 840 441 675 ₫ | -249 139 ₫-0.000102 BTC |
Clore.aiCLORE | Clore.ai Precio 949.6 ₫ -8.70% Hash de red (3h) 1.58 Th/s 3.6% Beneficio 24h 4 638₫ 4.88 CLORE | 949.6 ₫-8.70% | 1.58 Th/s2.35% | 4 638₫4.88 CLORE | 160 046 ₫169 CLORE | 52 149 949 676 ₫ | -251 549 ₫-0.000103 BTC |
CortexCTXC | Cortex Precio 4 503.64 ₫ -1.83% Hash de red (3h) 55.55 KGps -2.47% Beneficio 24h 4 288₫ 0.95213 CTXC | 4 503.64 ₫-1.83% | 55.55 KGps-4.75% | 4 288₫0.95213 CTXC | 15 763 ₫3.5 CTXC | 98 961 351 964 ₫ | No soportado |
GrinGRIN32 | Grin Precio 603.2 ₫ -11.86% Hash de red (3h) 6.13 KGps -3.39% Beneficio 24h 3 997₫ 6.63 GRIN32 | 603.2 ₫-11.86% | 6.13 KGps3.52% | 3 997₫6.63 GRIN32 | 36 192 ₫60 GRIN32 | 192 690 081 ₫ | No soportado |
AeternityAE | Aeternity Precio 562.58 ₫ -10.22% Hash de red (3h) 23.14 KGps -2.25% Beneficio 24h 3 597₫ 6.39 AE | 562.58 ₫-10.22% | 23.14 KGps1.66% | 3 597₫6.39 AE | 24 062 ₫42.77 AE | 19 008 343 631 ₫ | -248 479 ₫-0.000102 BTC |
Flux (ZelCash)FLUX | Flux (ZelCash) Precio 10 612.11 ₫ 1.39% Hash de red (3h) 3.15 Msol/s -1.71% Beneficio 24h 2 365₫ 0.22288 FLUX | 10 612.11 ₫1.39% | 3.15 Msol/s4.14% | 2 365₫0.22288 FLUX | 198 977 ₫18.75 FLUX | 387 199 932 180 ₫ | -244 778 ₫-0.000100 BTC |
Ethereum PoWETHW | Ethereum PoW Precio 55 098.91 ₫ 0.02% Hash de red (3h) 27.42 Th/s -0.95% Beneficio 24h 2 141₫ 0.03886 ETHW | 55 098.91 ₫0.02% | 27.42 Th/s-1.03% | 2 141₫0.03886 ETHW | 110 198 ₫2 ETHW | 264 585 740 215 ₫ | -246 470 ₫-0.000101 BTC |
Ethereum ClassicETC | Ethereum Classic Precio 521 990.42 ₫ -1.88% Hash de red (3h) 275.58 Th/s -2.48% Beneficio 24h 2 007₫ 0.00384 ETC | 521 990.42 ₫-1.88% | 275.58 Th/s-4.52% | 2 007₫0.00384 ETC | 1 069 036 ₫2.05 ETC | 4 131 660 782 998 ₫ | -246 406 ₫-0.000101 BTC |
NexaNEXA | Nexa Precio 0.030231 ₫ -2.39% Hash de red (3h) 5.13 Th/s -1.42% Beneficio 24h 1 557₫ 51515 NEXA | 0.030231 ₫-2.39% | 5.13 Th/s-5.93% | 1 557₫51515 NEXA | 302 306 ₫10000000 NEXA | 2 530 698 602 ₫ | -246 215 ₫-0.000101 BTC |
ZephyrZEPH | Zephyr Precio 14 938.37 ₫ -7.28% Hash de red (3h) 211.51 Mh/s 10.17% Beneficio 24h 105₫ 0.00706 ZEPH | 14 938.37 ₫-7.28% | 211.51 Mh/s11.47% | 105₫0.00706 ZEPH | 108 453 ₫7.26 ZEPH | 4 232 928 127 ₫ | -244 921 ₫-0.000100 BTC |
HorizenZEN | Horizen Precio 308 203.93 ₫ 0.37% Hash de red (3h) 2.13 Gsol/s -13.23% Beneficio 24h 38₫ 0.00012 ZEN | 308 203.93 ₫0.37% | 2.13 Gsol/s-7.87% | 38₫0.00012 ZEN | 577 882 ₫1.88 ZEN | 1 557 174 039 697 ₫ | -244 811 ₫-0.000100 BTC |
ZcashZEC | Zcash Precio 796 455.12 ₫ -7.79% Hash de red (3h) 8.01 Gsol/s -7.53% Beneficio 24h 36₫ 0.00005 ZEC | 796 455.12 ₫-7.79% | 8.01 Gsol/s-0.38% | 36₫0.00005 ZEC | 995 569 ₫1.25 ZEC | 1 903 401 004 725 ₫ | -244 811 ₫-0.000100 BTC |
KaspaKAS | Kaspa Precio 2 337.02 ₫ -9.25% Hash de red (3h) 1.42 Eh/s 2.72% Beneficio 24h 6₫ 0.00236 KAS | 2 337.02 ₫-9.25% | 1.42 Eh/s3.17% | 6₫0.00236 KAS | 152 841 ₫65.4 KAS | 2 366 940 968 221 ₫ | -244 779 ₫-0.000100 BTC |
NervosCKB | Nervos Precio 156.83 ₫ -4.30% Hash de red (3h) 389.83 Ph/s -18.34% Beneficio 24h 2₫ 0.01447 CKB | 156.83 ₫-4.30% | 389.83 Ph/s-3.51% | 2₫0.01447 CKB | 88 174 ₫562 CKB | 379 880 254 747 ₫ | -244 775 ₫-0.000100 BTC |