The results are calculated automatically: see below.
There are 2 versions of 1060 with different amount of memory. If you have 1060 with 3Gb memory, you are not able to mine coins that are highlighted in red.
Cryptocurrency | Cryptocurrency | Price | Nethash (3h) | Profit 24h | Block Reward | Volume (24h) | NH Rent Profit |
RavencoinRVN | Ravencoin Price 232.5 Rp -2.04% Nethash (3h) 5.96 Th/s -10.49% Profit 24h 4 534Rp 19.5 RVN | 232.5 Rp-2.04% | 5.96 Th/s-9.28% | 4 534Rp19.5 RVN | 581 247 Rp2500 RVN | 151 206 681 469 Rp | -160 466 Rp-0.000103 BTC |
NeoxaNEOX | Neoxa Price 6.28 Rp -4.28% Nethash (3h) 163.10 Gh/s -8.05% Profit 24h 4 049Rp 645 NEOX | 6.28 Rp-4.28% | 163.10 Gh/s-6.19% | 4 049Rp645 NEOX | 14 127 Rp2250 NEOX | 406 587 806 Rp | -160 466 Rp-0.000103 BTC |
ErgoERG | Ergo Price 18 811.02 Rp 1.26% Nethash (3h) 11.03 Th/s -0.1% Profit 24h 3 785Rp 0.2012 ERG | 18 811.02 Rp1.26% | 11.03 Th/s-8.38% | 3 785Rp0.2012 ERG | 338 598 Rp18 ERG | 2 127 202 706 Rp | -159 437 Rp-0.000102 BTC |
NeuraiXNA | Neurai Price 6.4 Rp -7.13% Nethash (3h) 418.13 Gh/s 1.76% Profit 24h 3 397Rp 531 XNA | 6.4 Rp-7.13% | 418.13 Gh/s-1.73% | 3 397Rp531 XNA | 31 977 Rp5000 XNA | 1 798 157 721 Rp | -160 466 Rp-0.000103 BTC |
BeamBEAM | Beam Price 489.08 Rp -5.94% Nethash (3h) 194.51 Ksol/s -4.2% Profit 24h 2 949Rp 6.03 BEAM | 489.08 Rp-5.94% | 194.51 Ksol/s-5.53% | 2 949Rp6.03 BEAM | 12 227 Rp25 BEAM | 1 291 959 350 Rp | -158 695 Rp-0.000102 BTC |
Clore.aiCLORE | Price 611.54 Rp -9.64% Nethash (3h) 1.49 Th/s 4.71% Profit 24h 2 941Rp 4.81 CLORE | 611.54 Rp-9.64% | 1.49 Th/s-3.78% | 2 941Rp4.81 CLORE | 103 069 Rp169 CLORE | 34 341 726 058 Rp | -160 466 Rp-0.000103 BTC |
Bitcoin GoldBTG | Bitcoin Gold Price 98 349.41 Rp -20.83% Nethash (3h) 1.14 Msol/s 25.18% Profit 24h 2 908Rp 0.02957 BTG | 98 349.41 Rp-20.83% | 1.14 Msol/s13.59% | 2 908Rp0.02957 BTG | 307 342 Rp3.13 BTG | 1 453 154 403 489 Rp | -156 234 Rp-0.000100 BTC |
CortexCTXC | Cortex Price 2 879.93 Rp -1.95% Nethash (3h) 56.53 KGps -1.84% Profit 24h 2 728Rp 0.94731 CTXC | 2 879.93 Rp-1.95% | 56.53 KGps-2.92% | 2 728Rp0.94731 CTXC | 10 080 Rp3.5 CTXC | 64 733 431 286 Rp | Not supported |
AeternityAE | Aeternity Price 360.26 Rp -10.23% Nethash (3h) 24.02 KGps -3.41% Profit 24h 2 353Rp 6.53 AE | 360.26 Rp-10.23% | 24.02 KGps6.6% | 2 353Rp6.53 AE | 15 408 Rp42.77 AE | 12 465 848 535 Rp | -158 267 Rp-0.000102 BTC |
GrinGRIN32 | Grin Price 350.68 Rp -20.05% Nethash (3h) 5.96 KGps -3.4% Profit 24h 2 338Rp 6.67 GRIN32 | 350.68 Rp-20.05% | 5.96 KGps1.16% | 2 338Rp6.67 GRIN32 | 21 041 Rp60 GRIN32 | 175 421 998 Rp | Not supported |
Flux (ZelCash)FLUX | Flux (ZelCash) Price 7 070.73 Rp 5.61% Nethash (3h) 3.10 Msol/s -5.06% Profit 24h 1 625Rp 0.22982 FLUX | 7 070.73 Rp5.61% | 3.10 Msol/s2.22% | 1 625Rp0.22982 FLUX | 132 576 Rp18.75 FLUX | 273 288 177 831 Rp | -155 925 Rp-0.000100 BTC |
Ethereum PoWETHW | Ethereum PoW Price 35 738.45 Rp 1.76% Nethash (3h) 27.94 Th/s 0.44% Profit 24h 1 370Rp 0.03834 ETHW | 35 738.45 Rp1.76% | 27.94 Th/s0.8% | 1 370Rp0.03834 ETHW | 71 477 Rp2 ETHW | 173 230 969 031 Rp | -157 003 Rp-0.000101 BTC |
Ethereum ClassicETC | Ethereum Classic Price 332 338.08 Rp -2.04% Nethash (3h) 271.85 Th/s -2.54% Profit 24h 1 281Rp 0.00385 ETC | 332 338.08 Rp-2.04% | 271.85 Th/s-5.41% | 1 281Rp0.00385 ETC | 680 628 Rp2.05 ETC | 2 700 671 061 554 Rp | -156 962 Rp-0.000101 BTC |
NexaNEXA | Nexa Price 0.019174 Rp -3.77% Nethash (3h) 5.24 Th/s -0.75% Profit 24h 982Rp 51205 NEXA | 0.019174 Rp-3.77% | 5.24 Th/s-3.62% | 982Rp51205 NEXA | 191 743 Rp10000000 NEXA | 1 661 616 925 Rp | -156 837 Rp-0.000101 BTC |
ZephyrZEPH | Zephyr Price 9 379.16 Rp -9.69% Nethash (3h) 159.02 Mh/s -15.81% Profit 24h 87Rp 0.00926 ZEPH | 9 379.16 Rp-9.69% | 159.02 Mh/s-15.81% | 87Rp0.00926 ZEPH | 68 093 Rp7.26 ZEPH | 2 684 511 901 Rp | -156 020 Rp-0.000100 BTC |
HorizenZEN | Horizen Price 194 968.27 Rp -1.03% Nethash (3h) 2.14 Gsol/s -6.41% Profit 24h 22Rp 0.00012 ZEN | 194 968.27 Rp-1.03% | 2.14 Gsol/s-7.65% | 22Rp0.00012 ZEN | 365 566 Rp1.88 ZEN | 1 021 069 218 358 Rp | -155 946 Rp-0.000100 BTC |
ZcashZEC | Zcash Price 507 604.74 Rp -7.24% Nethash (3h) 8.16 Gsol/s 10.8% Profit 24h 19Rp 0.00004 ZEC | 507 604.74 Rp-7.24% | 8.16 Gsol/s1.26% | 19Rp0.00004 ZEC | 634 506 Rp1.25 ZEC | 1 215 998 571 086 Rp | -155 946 Rp-0.000100 BTC |
KaspaKAS | Kaspa Price 1 489.02 Rp -7.65% Nethash (3h) 1.39 Eh/s 1.04% Profit 24h 4Rp 0.0024 KAS | 1 489.02 Rp-7.65% | 1.39 Eh/s1.69% | 4Rp0.0024 KAS | 97 382 Rp65.4 KAS | 1 509 290 099 159 Rp | -155 926 Rp-0.000100 BTC |
NervosCKB | Nervos Price 99.81 Rp -4.61% Nethash (3h) 425.39 Ph/s -18.18% Profit 24h 1Rp 0.01447 CKB | 99.81 Rp-4.61% | 425.39 Ph/s5.81% | 1Rp0.01447 CKB | 56 117 Rp562 CKB | 246 304 457 532 Rp | -155 924 Rp-0.000100 BTC |