The results are calculated automatically: see below.
There are 2 versions of 1060 with different amount of memory. If you have 1060 with 3Gb memory, you are not able to mine coins that are highlighted in red.
Cryptocurrency | Cryptocurrency | Price | Nethash (3h) | Profit 24h | Block Reward | Volume (24h) | NH Rent Profit |
RavencoinRVN | Ravencoin Price 0.51 ₺ -2.04% Nethash (3h) 5.96 Th/s -11.07% Profit 24h 10₺ 19.65 RVN | 0.51 ₺-2.04% | 5.96 Th/s-9.16% | 10₺19.65 RVN | 1 281 ₺2500 RVN | 333 215 740 ₺ | -354 ₺-0.000103 BTC |
NeoxaNEOX | Neoxa Price 0.013836 ₺ -4.28% Nethash (3h) 160.74 Gh/s -6.48% Profit 24h 9₺ 635 NEOX | 0.013836 ₺-4.28% | 160.74 Gh/s-7.42% | 9₺635 NEOX | 31 ₺2250 NEOX | 896 001 ₺ | -354 ₺-0.000103 BTC |
ErgoERG | Ergo Price 41.45 ₺ 1.26% Nethash (3h) 11.05 Th/s -0.14% Profit 24h 8₺ 0.2012 ERG | 41.45 ₺1.26% | 11.05 Th/s-8.24% | 8₺0.2012 ERG | 746 ₺18 ERG | 4 687 738 ₺ | -351 ₺-0.000102 BTC |
NeuraiXNA | Neurai Price 0.014094 ₺ -7.13% Nethash (3h) 397.10 Gh/s 1.48% Profit 24h 8₺ 533 XNA | 0.014094 ₺-7.13% | 397.10 Gh/s-6.47% | 8₺533 XNA | 70 ₺5000 XNA | 3 962 618 ₺ | -354 ₺-0.000103 BTC |
BeamBEAM | Beam Price 1.08 ₺ -5.94% Nethash (3h) 178.36 Ksol/s -6.31% Profit 24h 7₺ 6.17 BEAM | 1.08 ₺-5.94% | 178.36 Ksol/s-13.36% | 7₺6.17 BEAM | 27 ₺25 BEAM | 2 847 104 ₺ | -350 ₺-0.000102 BTC |
Clore.aiCLORE | Price 1.35 ₺ -9.64% Nethash (3h) 1.49 Th/s 3.23% Profit 24h 7₺ 4.87 CLORE | 1.35 ₺-9.64% | 1.49 Th/s-4.39% | 7₺4.87 CLORE | 227 ₺169 CLORE | 75 679 219 ₺ | -354 ₺-0.000103 BTC |
Bitcoin GoldBTG | Bitcoin Gold Price 216.73 ₺ -20.83% Nethash (3h) 1.14 Msol/s 24.9% Profit 24h 6₺ 0.02957 BTG | 216.73 ₺-20.83% | 1.14 Msol/s13.31% | 6₺0.02957 BTG | 677 ₺3.13 BTG | 3 202 331 512 ₺ | -344 ₺-0.000100 BTC |
CortexCTXC | Cortex Price 6.35 ₺ -1.95% Nethash (3h) 56.95 KGps -1.77% Profit 24h 6₺ 0.94685 CTXC | 6.35 ₺-1.95% | 56.95 KGps-2.19% | 6₺0.94685 CTXC | 22 ₺3.5 CTXC | 142 653 737 ₺ | Not supported |
GrinGRIN32 | Grin Price 0.77 ₺ -20.05% Nethash (3h) 5.88 KGps -3.05% Profit 24h 5₺ 6.65 GRIN32 | 0.77 ₺-20.05% | 5.88 KGps-0.22% | 5₺6.65 GRIN32 | 46 ₺60 GRIN32 | 386 579 ₺ | Not supported |
AeternityAE | Aeternity Price 0.79 ₺ -10.23% Nethash (3h) 26.63 KGps 5.09% Profit 24h 5₺ 6.01 AE | 0.79 ₺-10.23% | 26.63 KGps18.31% | 5₺6.01 AE | 34 ₺42.77 AE | 27 471 120 ₺ | -349 ₺-0.000101 BTC |
Flux (ZelCash)FLUX | Flux (ZelCash) Price 15.58 ₺ 5.61% Nethash (3h) 3.28 Msol/s 3.67% Profit 24h 3₺ 0.21038 FLUX | 15.58 ₺5.61% | 3.28 Msol/s8.13% | 3₺0.21038 FLUX | 292 ₺18.75 FLUX | 602 248 007 ₺ | -344 ₺-0.000100 BTC |
Ethereum PoWETHW | Ethereum PoW Price 78.76 ₺ 1.76% Nethash (3h) 27.68 Th/s -0.12% Profit 24h 3₺ 0.03855 ETHW | 78.76 ₺1.76% | 27.68 Th/s-0.19% | 3₺0.03855 ETHW | 158 ₺2 ETHW | 381 750 892 ₺ | -346 ₺-0.000101 BTC |
Ethereum ClassicETC | Ethereum Classic Price 732.38 ₺ -2.04% Nethash (3h) 273.96 Th/s -2.36% Profit 24h 3₺ 0.00385 ETC | 732.38 ₺-2.04% | 273.96 Th/s-4.57% | 3₺0.00385 ETC | 1 500 ₺2.05 ETC | 5 951 496 980 ₺ | -346 ₺-0.000101 BTC |
NexaNEXA | Nexa Price 0.000042 ₺ -3.77% Nethash (3h) 5.26 Th/s -0.76% Profit 24h 2₺ 51217 NEXA | 0.000042 ₺-3.77% | 5.26 Th/s-3.2% | 2₺51217 NEXA | 423 ₺10000000 NEXA | 3 661 722 ₺ | -346 ₺-0.000101 BTC |
ZephyrZEPH | Zephyr Price 20.67 ₺ -9.69% Nethash (3h) 191.10 Mh/s -3.89% Profit 24h 0₺ 0.00812 ZEPH | 20.67 ₺-9.69% | 191.10 Mh/s1.3% | 0₺0.00812 ZEPH | 150 ₺7.26 ZEPH | 5 915 886 ₺ | -344 ₺-0.000100 BTC |
HorizenZEN | Horizen Price 429.65 ₺ -1.03% Nethash (3h) 2.25 Gsol/s 3.54% Profit 24h 0₺ 0.0001 ZEN | 429.65 ₺-1.03% | 2.25 Gsol/s-3.14% | 0₺0.0001 ZEN | 806 ₺1.88 ZEN | 2 250 140 884 ₺ | -344 ₺-0.000100 BTC |
ZcashZEC | Zcash Price 1 118.61 ₺ -7.24% Nethash (3h) 8.95 Gsol/s 27.94% Profit 24h 0₺ 0.00003 ZEC | 1 118.61 ₺-7.24% | 8.95 Gsol/s11.03% | 0₺0.00003 ZEC | 1 398 ₺1.25 ZEC | 2 679 708 731 ₺ | -344 ₺-0.000100 BTC |
KaspaKAS | Kaspa Price 3.28 ₺ -7.65% Nethash (3h) 1.37 Eh/s 0.73% Profit 24h 0₺ 0.00241 KAS | 3.28 ₺-7.65% | 1.37 Eh/s-0.29% | 0₺0.00241 KAS | 215 ₺65.4 KAS | 3 326 038 330 ₺ | -344 ₺-0.000100 BTC |
NervosCKB | Nervos Price 0.22 ₺ -4.61% Nethash (3h) 402.39 Ph/s -18.14% Profit 24h 0₺ 0.01447 CKB | 0.22 ₺-4.61% | 402.39 Ph/s0.15% | 0₺0.01447 CKB | 124 ₺562 CKB | 542 783 701 ₺ | -344 ₺-0.000100 BTC |