Mining Software Comparison

Gminer: How to Set Up and Download

GMiner was created by a Russian group of specialists in the field of high performance computing and cryptography. The first version of GMiner was released on September 21, 2018 and was received quite warmly among users. Thanks to its unique developments and stability, in just six months, the miner became a favorite on the Equihash algorithms. The miner is focused on NVIDIA and AMD platforms and supports most popular algorithms such as: Ethash, ProgPoW, KAWPOW, Equihash, CuckooCycle.

GMiner maintains a leading position in the mining of such coins as Beam, Grin, Cortex, Bitcoin Gold.In 2020, the miner added support for Ethash, ProgPoW and KAWPOW algorithms with high performance relative to competitors. The development team never stops at what has been achieved and achieves the maximum performance of the algorithms with the minimum power consumption, it is these qualities that distinguish GMiner from the competitors and win the hearts of users.

Gminer Supported Algorithms

Below is the list of algorithms supported by the Gminer mining software. Each algorithm indicates the program fee, which is usually just a few percent. Software developers use it for their product support, enhancement, and development of new features. The fee works in such a way that every hour a program mines for a short period of time (usually less than a minute) to the developer’s wallet.

Fee 1%
Fee 1%
Fee 1%
Fee 1%

Gminer Sample Settings (bat file)

The mining software launches through the command line in Linux and through the bat file in Windows. Below are sample bat files for each cryptocurrency that you can mine with Gminer. Make sure to replace YOUR_ADDRESS with your own wallet address, and RIG_ID with your own rig name. You can name it however you like, but the name must contain only Latin letters and symbols “-” and “_”. The wallet must correspond to the cryptocurrency you are mining.

You can find additional settings for the mining program at the end of the page. If you have problems setting up Gminer, feel free to ask for advice in our Telegram chat.

Ethereum PoWminer.exe --algo ethash --server --user YOUR_WALLET_ADDRESS.RIG_ID
Ergominer.exe --algo autolykos2 --server --user YOUR_WALLET_ADDRESS.RIG_ID
Kaspaminer.exe --algo kheavyhash --server --user YOUR_WALLET_ADDRESS.RIG_ID
Ethereum Classicminer.exe --algo etchash --server --user YOUR_WALLET_ADDRESS.RIG_ID
Beamminer.exe --algo beamhash --ssl 1 --server --user YOUR_WALLET_ADDRESS.RIG_ID
Cortexminer.exe --algo cortex --server --port 2222 --user YOUR_WALLET_ADDRESS.RIG_ID
Bitcoin Goldminer.exe --algo 144_5 --pers BgoldPoW --server --port 4040 --user YOUR_WALLET_ADDRESS.RIG_ID
Ravencoinminer.exe --algo kawpow --server --user YOUR_WALLET_ADDRESS.RIG_ID
Clore.aiminer.exe --algo kawpow --server --user YOUR_WALLET_ADDRESS.RIG_ID
Grinminer.exe --algo cuckatoo32 --server --user YOUR_WALLET_ADDRESS.RIG_ID
Neoxaminer.exe --algo kawpow --server --user YOUR_WALLET_ADDRESS.RIG_ID
Neuraiminer.exe --algo kawpow --server --user YOUR_WALLET_ADDRESS.RIG_ID
Flux (ZelCash)miner.exe --algo 125_4 --server --port 9090 --user YOUR_WALLET_ADDRESS.RIG_ID

Gminer Extra Settings

Sometimes you need to take additional steps to set up a mining program. For example, you may want to disconnect a GPU or set the GPU operating temperature limit. We prepared the list of the most popular Gminer settings. To use a setting, add it to the standard launch line indicated above. As a rule, you can’t control GPU overclocking through the mining program settings. You can find a detailed guide on GPU overclocking in this article.

--ssl enables mining through SSL. For SSL mining use --ssl 1. The default is the disabled SSL mode. Please keep in mind that the pool address with SSL is usually different from the pool address without SSL. For example, is 2Miners Ethereum pool with SSL and is 2Miners Ethereum pool without SSL.

--devices launches mining software only on certain GPUs. After -devices indicate GPUs that you want to use separating them with a space. The first GPU is indexed as 0. For example, GPUs in a rig of six graphics cards are numbered from 0 to 5. If you add --devices 0 1 2 3 5, the mining software launches on all GPUs except for the fifth (indexed as 4).

--logfile creates the log file and saves it to the drive. Indicate the exact path to the log file after the command. For example, --logfile c:\miner.log.

--templimit sets the max GPU temperature. Once a GPU reaches the indicated temperature, it stops operating until it cools down. If you have multiple GPUs, indicate the temperature for each separating them with a space. For example, --templimit 70 75 80 65.

--cuda can disable CUDA platform (Nvidia). To disable, use --cuda 0.

--opencl can disable OpenCL (AMD). To disable, use --opencl 0.

--intensity sets the max GPU usage percentage. For example --intensity 80 will load the GPU's only to the 80% of the maximum. If you have multiple GPUs, indicate the intensity for each separating them with a space. For example, --intensity 70 75 80 65.