Equihash Algorithm Coins

Equihash Mining Algorithm Specification, Features and Requirements

Equihash is a popular Proof-of-Work mining algorithm announced in 2016. The main goal of its developers was to get rid of ASICs in the network, as they threaten decentralization because of the high concentration of computing power. Together with Ethash algorithm Equihash was a driver of the GPU mining community. The most popular coins on this algorithm are Zcash, Horizen and Komodo. Moreover, Equihash has set the stage for new algorithms, like Equi 125_4, 144_5, etc.

In 2018 a lot of companies have released ASIC miners for Equihash including Bitmain and Inosilicon. At the moment there are no graphics cards on Equihash as it is not profitable at all. We recommend using only ASIC devices for Equihash mining.

Default mining profit is calculated for 300 Nvidia 3070 GPUs with total hashrate: 240000 Sol/s on Equihash

Equihash Algorithm Mining Profit

CryptocurrencyCryptocurrencyDifficulty (3h)Nethash (3h)Profit 24hExchange Rate (BTC)24h VolumeMiner Share (3h)


Difficulty (3h)
34.05 M
Nethash (3h)
1.69 Gsol/s
Miner Share (3h)
18.08 %
Profit 24h
29 $
0.153 ZEN
34.05 M1.69 Gsol/s29 $0.153 ZEN0.00010973412 515 577 $18.08 %


Difficulty (3h)
72.17 M
Nethash (3h)
7.68 Gsol/s
Miner Share (3h)
81.92 %
Profit 24h
32 $
0.043 ZEC
72.17 M7.68 Gsol/s32 $0.043 ZEC0.000437151 271 720 361 $81.92 %