Time | CTXC | BTC | USD |
Pool | Reward System | Fee | Min. Payout | Hashrate | Miners | Location | |
2Miners PPLNS | Pool Reward System PPLNS Fee 1 % Min. Payout 3 Hashrate 36.82 KGps Miners 2095 Location EU | PPLNS | 1 % | 3 | 36.82 KGps | 2095 | EU |
There are no ASIC devices available for Cortex mining. Hashpower rental is available on both platforms: Nicehash and MiningRigRentals.
While you mine in the POOL you work together with other miners. In SOLO mode you are alone. If you find 0 blocks your reward is 0. We could recommend Cortex SOLO mining only of experienced users and only if you could find at least 2-3 blocks in 24 hours. If in doubt always mine in the POOL.
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Time | With entered hashrate you can find | CTXC | BTC | USD |
Pool | Reward System | Fee | Min. Payout | Hashrate | Miners | Location | |
2Miners SOLO | Pool Reward System SOLO Fee 1.5 % Min. Payout 3 Hashrate 1.11 KGps Miners 77 Location EU | SOLO | 1.5 % | 3 | 1.11 KGps | 77 | EU |
Professional miners track the Cortex network difficulty all the time and in certain moments join the mining using their own mining rigs or Nicehash rented hashpower. Mining success doesn’t only depend on pool servers operation and luck value. Accurate calculation could always be a key.
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Pool | Reward System | Fee | Min. Payout | Hashrate | Miners | Location | |
2Miners SOLO | Pool Reward System SOLO Fee 1.5 % Min. Payout 3 Hashrate 1.11 KGps Miners 77 Location EU | SOLO | 1.5 % | 3 | 1.11 KGps | 77 | EU |
2Miners PPLNS | Pool Reward System PPLNS Fee 1 % Min. Payout 3 Hashrate 36.82 KGps Miners 2095 Location EU | PPLNS | 1 % | 3 | 36.82 KGps | 2095 | EU |
lolMiner.exe --coin CTXC --pool ctxc.2miners.com:2222 --user YOUR_WALLET_ADDRESS.RIG_ID
miner.exe --algo cortex --server ctxc.2miners.com --port 2222 --user YOUR_WALLET_ADDRESS.RIG_ID
cmdline_launcher.bat -algo cuckaroo30 -pool1 ctxc.2miners.com:2222 -wallet YOUR_WALLET_ADDRESS -rigName RIG_ID